Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What I have in my cupboard right now... and you do too

It's cold outside, I don't want to do groceries, so as we all do, I went to the cupboard to see what I had.  I'm not one to enjoy soup by itself, I seldomly buy soup to just have a bowl, so I was unimpressed to see that I had 3 kinds of soup, all in cans; cream of mushroom, vegetable and onion. 

This is where I like to get creative.  I went to the freezer, and of course, living in a fraternity house, half my food is gone.  All I have left -> 2 chicken breasts and a massive frozen log of pork tenderloin.  Great. I'm hungry, and i'm hungry now. 

Here's what I came up with.  I also found cheap $0.99 fussili noodles, the small noodle with the tight spiral. 

I took the vegetable soup, put it in a pot, and added twice the amount of water that the condensed soup required to be reconstituted.  This will now essentially be my potching liquid for the chicken, however, if you've ever had chicken cooked in liquid, you'll realize it's not the best texture.  Solution: do a quick defrost on the outside of the chicken and then brown the outside using oil in a frying pan. 

I then put the chicken in the vegetable soup and put water on to boil for the pasta.  Instantly, cheap and easy chicken "cacciatore" a la student.

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