Monday, November 8, 2010

Jack's Sunday Night football fix- essentially free wings

Jacks on Richmond Row at Kent street, has changed up their Sunday Night Football wing special. I previously reported that the wing night was cancelled, and since the people at jacks have changed things up. 

They are now offering $11 pitcher and wing deal.  Which is one of the best I've seen in town.  $11 gets you a pitcher of domestic beer and 10 wings. 

Granted, 10 wings cost you $2.90 on almost every night at Jacks if you purchase a drink (which cost $2.50 a bottle). 

This works out to a great deal if your goal is to get a bit tipsy for the game, but not so great if you want to eat copious amounts of wings.  Though, even if you buy another 10 wings on the side, you're still coming out on top here.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The moment everyone's been waiting for

If you're like me, you've been waiting for a grocery store in the UCC at the University of Western Ontario since first year.  At least that is what the University Student's Council will have you believe.  That being said, yesterday was the first day Grocery Checkout's store in the University Community Center opened its doors- later than scheduled, but what else is new. 

Thus far, people have been confused as to the point of the grocery store on campus, or have yet to check it out.  My take is that I originally thought it was a waste of space before I went there today at lunch, however my mind was changed when I walked in. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jacks on Richmond Row: Cancelled their free wing Sundays!

I have some disheartening news.  Jacks has finally realized how much of a loss they were taking on their free wings when you buy a drink promotion and appear to have cancelled the promotion indefinitely. 

If anyone could confirm this that'd be great.  But the past 2 Sundays I haven't seen any of the buffet trays- or hotel pans as they're called in the industry, out and filled with overly spicy wings and super salty fries.

Personally I'll still go to Jacks, they've got super cheap wings nevertheless and the cheapest beer in town on a Sunday Night for NFL action.

Look out for a review on London's best Wings and if you have any suggestions let me know.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cheap London Breakfast

I've been MIA and so busy with life that food writing has taken a back seat.  If you've come back since my last post to find nothing, I'm sorry.  Though I doubt there are any fans of this blog.  I digress.

Cora's Bluberry Pancakes
Recently I was told that I should write about great places to eat breakfast in London.  Then I walked into Winks hungover one morning and realized that There definitely needed to be categories in what I am tempted to call The Great Breakfast Debate, scratch that, it needs to be The Great, cheap, Breakfast Debate as we're students who want good food, dirt cheap.

I've decided that the categories that I will use to rate the breakfast joints are as follows: Eat only after hangovers, Eat after you spend $100+ on a bottle the night before, Acceptable to bring your one night stand to, and breakfast with the parents. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Smoke's Poutinerie - Not your average fries and gravy

         Smoke's Poutinerie just opened its doors for the grand opening this week in downtown London, right on Richmond Row between The London Tap House and Jack's.  Its website describes itself as the first chain of restaurants in the world - yes there are currently 6 locations, 5 GTA and 1 in London - serving strictly poutine in many different flavour combinations.  

If they''re the only ones, I'd be surprised.  This doesn't seem like a very hard concept for our provincial neighbours to the East to figure out, after all , Quebec is the birthplace of Poutine.  That being said, Smoke's says their goal is to bring the "authentic Quebec classic to the world in its original and unique way".  This is where  my issues begin with Smokey's.  How can something be original and unique at the same time.  Frankly, I put Smoke's to the test, my roommate hails from France, has lived in Quebec and is an expert on anything French- Parisian or Quebecois.  So, needless to say, on Poutine, I'd take his flavour palette over mine any day.

The first time my roommate ventured to the Poutinerie, I could not attend, but he told me that he would let me know how things went.  Naturally, he ordered what Smoke's claims is the original: fries, gravy, cheese curds.  I've used a term before that many students like myself know all too well, and my roommate agreed, this really does fill a void.  He probably a 170 pound male, was unable to finish off a large original poutine, at $7.49, this could likely last you two meals, or one drunk night.

As for authenticity, there were a few obvious errors.

The gravy used at Smoke's is less than hardy.  Be it that the new cooks in the kitchen are getting used to churning out batches of this all day, or that the recipe needs some fixing, either way, the gravy is flavourless and lacks any body.  There is no mention of "homemade" or "made fresh daily" on Smoke's website, so we'll go with the fact that this is a powdered gravy.  Smoke's staff, if you're reading this, please add less water to the gravy mix.  The website, and the menu, also have a few other sauces, Curry, Vegetable gravy (Vegetarians read below!!) and home made meat sauce.

Overall, the fries were pretty good.  It's REAL hard to mess up standard fresh cut Yukon gold potatoes.  I know for speed sake these potatoes are blanched and probably refrigerated, which cuts down on the final product's crispy nature most "fry connoisseurs"  know and love.

Cheese Curd:
Apparently, this cheese curd is made in the Eastern Townships of Quebec and is as authentic is you can get. It tasted fine, and at least its curd, but the viscosity of the cheese was something to be desired.  We want more melting action!  (again, Smoke's Staff, please pour HOTTER gravy over these curds).

As mentioned previously as a warning to Vegetarians, my other roommate joined us on our second trip to Smoke's and ordered what we thought would be a completely vegetarian dish, the Veggie Nacho Grande.  What he got was veggie nacho fries, with beef gravy.  How dumb can you be!!!  So make sure you specify Vegetable Gravy when you order your favourite veggie poutine.

Other combinations we tried were:
Country Style -mushrooms, onions, bacon and chicken, a good meal, be sure to order the small, as none of us could finish our small.  It was pretty flavourful and a good deal for your money.

Pulled Pork - the pork was sweet, so if you don't like sweet bbq flavour, this isn't for you. I enjoyed this meal and would definitely go back for more.

Overall, Smoke's must thrive off of location, if you look at where they plan to open next, the cities are all student driven, Kingston, London, the areas in Toronto and coming soon, Ottawa.  The food is decent grub for the price, but its by no means up to snuff for some serious poutine eaters, so essentially, Quebecois beware, this ain't Quebec.  Look for Smoke's to fill that hungry void that snickers chocolate claims it can, and can't.  Great location on Richmond Row means this joint will be popping till the wee hours and is open till 5am on Friday nights.  I cannot wait to try this under the influence.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What I have in my cupboard right now... and you do too

It's cold outside, I don't want to do groceries, so as we all do, I went to the cupboard to see what I had.  I'm not one to enjoy soup by itself, I seldomly buy soup to just have a bowl, so I was unimpressed to see that I had 3 kinds of soup, all in cans; cream of mushroom, vegetable and onion. 

This is where I like to get creative.  I went to the freezer, and of course, living in a fraternity house, half my food is gone.  All I have left -> 2 chicken breasts and a massive frozen log of pork tenderloin.  Great. I'm hungry, and i'm hungry now. 

Here's what I came up with.  I also found cheap $0.99 fussili noodles, the small noodle with the tight spiral. 

I took the vegetable soup, put it in a pot, and added twice the amount of water that the condensed soup required to be reconstituted.  This will now essentially be my potching liquid for the chicken, however, if you've ever had chicken cooked in liquid, you'll realize it's not the best texture.  Solution: do a quick defrost on the outside of the chicken and then brown the outside using oil in a frying pan. 

I then put the chicken in the vegetable soup and put water on to boil for the pasta.  Instantly, cheap and easy chicken "cacciatore" a la student.

Valentines Day is around the corner....

So look out gentlemen of the world, the dreaded "holiday" fabricated by the greeting card industry is almost here. Don't worry though, in the coming weeks UWO Eats will help you wow your date (maybe get you a second date) on a budget.

If your plan is to go out on the town, look for a restaurant with a set Valentines Menu in advance. This will help you budget, as your date won't be able to order that $50 porterhouse steak (but if she orders that big a steak, should you be dating her?). Places like The Tasting Room (if they're reopened by then) offer outstanding appetizers that can be shared and paired with a wine flight each for under $60-$80 dollars depending on taste preference. Aroma on Richmond has in years past done a Prix-Fixe Valentines menu, a set selection of Chef's choice dishes that offer you a starter (usually a salad) a main and a, more than likely, chocolaty dessert.

If the plan is to stay in, I have the best recipe that will assure you look like a master Chef and won't hurt your wallet.

Chicken Marsala

What you'll need for a dinner for 2:

2-4 chicken breasts, depending on your and her appetite - $5-10

1/4 cup of flour - steal this from that friend who likes to bake those awesome cupcakes

1 lemon or 2 tablespoons lemon juice - if you have a tea drinking friend who claims they're British, they have lemon juice

1 chicken bouillon cube - $0.50-1.00 in a pack of 4-12. Bouillon is dehydrated chicken broth.

Salt and pepper - go to Saugeen caf and steal 2 shakers if you don't have them already

1 -1 1/2 cup Marsala wine - $12 at the LCBO for the bottle, don't drink it, but you'll want to make this again I promise.

Olive oil

1 large portabella mushroom - $0.50 - cleaned and diced

5 medium field mushrooms - $0.50-1.00 - cleaned and diced

How to make:

Boil water to directions on the Chicken Bouillon cube and add cube, stirring until all is dissolved. Set aside.

Mix the flour with 1 tablespoon each of salt and pepper.

Heat a pan to medium high heat and then add olive oil. (You should always preheat the pan before adding the oil - remember that one)

Pat dry the chicken with a paper towel and coat with the flour mixture.

Add the coated chicken to the pan, brown each side of the breasts to golden brown, and remove, placing on paper towel to absorb excess oil.

In the same pan, using the same oil (don't worry about clumps of flour) begin to cook the mushrooms over medium heat.

Once the mushrooms have began to soften, re-add the chicken to the pan and add the Marsala wine 1 cup for 2 breasts 1 1/2 for 4. Add the juice of one lemon and the chicken broth to cover.

Let simmer over medium to medium high heat until the liquid reduces by half to 2/3 or until chicken is white throughout.

Remove chicken and reduce remaining liquid to a thickened sauce, approximately 5-8 minutes over medium heat.

Serve this with roasted potatoes, recipe to follow or risotto for those who don't mind being more adventurous in the kitchen.

All this meal for <$30 for 2.


A nice PHO on a cold winter day

Another killer deal, a change from the usual fast food we students eat, is PHO.

Phở ( in Vietnamese; in English, written pho and typically ) is a Vietnamese thinly sliced meat and noodle soup dish.

This dish combines aromatic broth with many different spices with vermicelli rice noodles and thinly sliced meat, whether that is beef or chicken with your preferred level of hot sauce to warm you up on a cold winter day.

I enjoy Pho when I'm sick, as it has a great punch to combat congestion and the like. I've recently been ordering though from Vietnam Taste which is located at 660 Wonderland Road. For $7.99 you can have a meal that, even for large appetites is far too much for one sitting. I'm a 200+ pound male, and I split this mean into two BEFORE putting the broth, noodles and meat together. This way, the noodles keep from going soggy in the refrigerator or the microwave the next day for lunch.

$7.99 for two meals is roughly $4 a meal, dirt cheap and very satisfying. Order with a friend and split the $4 delivery charge and save yourself not only time from studying to cook, but also from having to brave the winter air. A tip for most Western taste buds, order the medium rare or medium well Beef, stay clear of anything with "Beef Balls" or anything that doesn't sound tasty.

For the adventurous, there are other reasonably priced appetizers on the menu that can tantalize your taste buds.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Game, a beer and some wings

I just got back from Jacks.

Sunday nights after 9:30pm they have free wings and fries with the purchase of a drink. From what I'm told, this drink doesn't have to be of the alcoholic nature, but when you're at Jacks, a beer and a game of Football just seems right.

The food isn't great, but it fills a void. There are two options for wings - BBQ - they are usually over cooked and over caramelized, and what the server/security personnel was referring to as "extra-hot". These wings are meant to be mean. I love spicy food - I had a great dinner of Pho today from Vietnam Taste- more on that later - but these wings aren't a nice hot, basically, think Franks Red Hot poured all over, nothing to them but to make you thirsty. The free buffet is concluded with French fries. These, like the hot wings, are - it would appear- meant to make you need a drink.

That being said, these do fill a void, when you're hungry, and you live downtown, or on the 12 or 2 bus route and need a place to unwind on a Sunday night, head on over to Jacks, where for the budget conscious student, you can have relatively all-you-can-eat wings and fries for $2.25 - $2.50 (price of a Soft Drink versus a domestic beer). Just remember to make your second drink a cup of tap water, you may need it.

Look out for more cheap places to eat in London, as well as posts on cheap meals to wow your significant other, things like that. Enjoy.