Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The moment everyone's been waiting for

If you're like me, you've been waiting for a grocery store in the UCC at the University of Western Ontario since first year.  At least that is what the University Student's Council will have you believe.  That being said, yesterday was the first day Grocery Checkout's store in the University Community Center opened its doors- later than scheduled, but what else is new. 

Thus far, people have been confused as to the point of the grocery store on campus, or have yet to check it out.  My take is that I originally thought it was a waste of space before I went there today at lunch, however my mind was changed when I walked in. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jacks on Richmond Row: Cancelled their free wing Sundays!

I have some disheartening news.  Jacks has finally realized how much of a loss they were taking on their free wings when you buy a drink promotion and appear to have cancelled the promotion indefinitely. 

If anyone could confirm this that'd be great.  But the past 2 Sundays I haven't seen any of the buffet trays- or hotel pans as they're called in the industry, out and filled with overly spicy wings and super salty fries.

Personally I'll still go to Jacks, they've got super cheap wings nevertheless and the cheapest beer in town on a Sunday Night for NFL action.

Look out for a review on London's best Wings and if you have any suggestions let me know.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cheap London Breakfast

I've been MIA and so busy with life that food writing has taken a back seat.  If you've come back since my last post to find nothing, I'm sorry.  Though I doubt there are any fans of this blog.  I digress.

Cora's Bluberry Pancakes
Recently I was told that I should write about great places to eat breakfast in London.  Then I walked into Winks hungover one morning and realized that There definitely needed to be categories in what I am tempted to call The Great Breakfast Debate, scratch that, it needs to be The Great, cheap, Breakfast Debate as we're students who want good food, dirt cheap.

I've decided that the categories that I will use to rate the breakfast joints are as follows: Eat only after hangovers, Eat after you spend $100+ on a bottle the night before, Acceptable to bring your one night stand to, and breakfast with the parents.